Blue Sea Dragon
Blue sea dragon, blue angel, and even blue ocean slug are some of the names given to this strange and wonderful-looking creature. They belong to the Glaucidae family and are small species. They usually live in the open sea, floating upside down on the water’s surface tension to stay afloat while being swept along by the winds and ocean currents. People frequently fail to notice them because they blend in with the blue of the water.
Hooded Seal
Although the Hooded Seal appears to be a cute animal that you might want to keep as a pet, don’t be fooled by its appearance. The hooded seal is a large phocid with irregular black spots covering most of its body and faces that are frequently completely black. The female hooded seals, in particular, are known to be aggressive, as they have a natural instinct to protect their offspring. They get their name from their hooded nasal cavities, which is a fun fact.