These Are The Animals You Should Avoid At All Costs

Published on 07/23/2021

Puffer Fish

The pufferfish is known as the clumsiest fish in the oceans. We are confident that you are familiar with how it appears! While we agree that it is adorable, you should exercise caution when in the presence of this animal. It puffs up and becomes too big for its predators, but tetrodotoxin is found on nearly every species of it.

Puffer Fish

Puffer Fish


Assassin Bug

What is the origin of the term “assassin bug”? Well, the name already speaks for itself. It’s also known as the kissing bug for some reason. Can you figure out why? This insect bites humans in the lip area, which is the answer to that question! They then proceed to deliver their potentially fatal sting—what a way to go.

Assassin Bug

Assassin Bug