The Landlady Discovers Bunkers In Her Garden: Then She Understands Why!

Published on 12/14/2023

New history

The troops probably got stuck here during the invasion and these documents never saw the light of day again. And that was just as well, because there were many more great discoveries to be made that they would soon come across on their journey through these forgotten tunnels. Each room felt like a new story. It was fascinating.

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New story


New discovery

The next discovery was made about 20 meters away in a new room. The items found there would later be given pride of place in a project by Lindsey and her husband. There was a closet that was still so intact it looked like it could have been used yesterday. The clothes were still neatly folded, the sheets were in a pile and the gun holsters were neatly tucked away

Bildschirmfoto 2023 06 14 Um 11.23.29

New Discovery