The Pain Of His Betrayal
She worked all evening and found that she couldn’t even go inside. What sealed her fate was having all on the lawn, But most of all, he had been lying to her the whole time. Nothing could be worse than this. It looked like someone stabbed her. She said, “I felt like I had been stabbed and was going too slowly to stem the bleeding. It was a horrific tragedy. This was something new to her.
It All Started To Make Sense
The emotions she was experiencing were unavoidable. She sighed and wondered what this meant for them. The longer she considered it, the more reality dawned on her. She found he had been very odd in the last few months. As he was losing weight, he took on odd work and slept oddly. He still seemed as though he was going to keep her away from coming. He could not tell her a straight story if he tried. There were several warning signs. However, there was one exception to the rule. All were beginning to make sense.