50 Biggest Hollywood Casting Mistakes That Completely Ruined Movies

Published on 09/04/2021

Russell Crowe (Les Miserables)

Russell Crowe has some musical experience (Russ le Roq, anyone? ), but his casting as Javert—a job that necessitates not just singing, but singing with the right emotion—came as a surprise. While glumly attempting to keep up with his co-stars who are savoring the landscape, Crowe’s ability to convey emotions has not and will not be his strongest suit as an actor.

Many parts in Les Miserables see Crowe frowning, and the film’s disappointing suicide song and dance lacks any real emotional resonance. Javert ought to be a figure and a metaphor with genuine presence after Anne Hathaway sings herself to death and with France on the verge of erupting in fervor. Instead, Crowe sort of sings and mopes his way through the film till he passes away and is quickly forgotten.

Russell Crowe (Les Miserables)

Russell Crowe (Les Miserables)


Ed Sheeran (Game Of Thrones)

The fact that Ed Sheeran was cast in award-winning Game of Thrones shows exactly how the show was deteriorating in the latter seasons. The show already had beloved characters, numerous relevant story-arcs and several exciting prospects. This led to question Sheeran’s cameo.

Was this a great series? Or a fun day out for a famous fan. Evidently, both. Sheeran’s acting was also fairly lackluster- it just seemed as if he wasn’t a real actor. Oh wait, that’s because he isn’t.

Needless to say, public backlash over Sheeran’s appearance wasn’t so surprising.

Ed Sheeran (Game Of Thrones)

Ed Sheeran (Game Of Thrones)