50 Biggest Hollywood Casting Mistakes That Completely Ruined Movies

Published on 09/04/2021

Cameron Diaz as Jenny Everdeane (Scorcese’s Gangs Of New York)

While Martin Scorcese’s Gangs of New York is a solid picture, Diaz sticks out like a sore thumb acting poorly. Diaz’s poor Irish accent and lackluster performance set her apart from her costars, not to mention the abysmal romantic chemistry between Diaz and Leonardo DiCaprio on screen.

Cameron Diaz As Jenny Everdeane (Scorcese's Gangs Of New York)

Cameron Diaz As Jenny Everdeane (Scorcese’s Gangs Of New York)


Ryan Reynolds as Green Lantern (Green Lantern)

He even recognizes that the Green Lantern is a really terrible movie. Green Lantern was doomed from the off, from Reynolds’ performance to the storyline to the laughing CGI superhero costume. Fortunately, with his performance at Deadpool, Reynolds was able to redeem himself.

Ryan Reynolds As Green Lantern (Green Lantern)

Ryan Reynolds As Green Lantern (Green Lantern)